I remember years back, sitting in a class, taught by Matt Frye of Cornell University, where he struck the entire room with a paradigm shifting phrase. A mic drop so to speak. A single sentence which would change my view of pest management for the rest of my career.
"Pests are not the problem. Pests are the result of an underlying condition." - Matt Frye
So began my journey into Integrated Pest Management, or as we call it in the industry, IPM. IPM is a practice of careful inspection, identification, risk assessment, mechanical changes, and if necessary, pesticide applications. This methodology focuses not necessarily on the pest at hand, but why the pest chose to nest or forage in the reported location in the first place. Pesticides are a useful tool to steer pests away, but they will more often return due to the underlying condition. This consideration is increasingly important in the food manufacturing side of pest control, but this methodology applies to every level and field of pest management.
If you haven't contacted a pest control company in recent years, the visit will likely be a little different than you remember. What once was a technician showing up with his silver B&G sprayer asking where the bugs are so he can spray them, is now a specialist showing up with knee pads and a flash light. He may begin by asking other questions such as, "How long have you been seeing them?" "What recent changes to the home, business or property can you recall?" Followed by a "Let me have a look to see what could be going on."
Our team is trained on this IPM model, where they will investigate the root causes of your pest condition. This process is going to help the client get to the real reason why they have a pest condition. This process is going to allow both the client and specialist to have a discussion about where the focus should be.
President, James Kane was recently featured in PMP magazine, advocating for the importance of IPM strategy and it's broad applications to our industry.
"A client who is educated about a pest's biology and it's conducive factors is going to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Technicians performing a root cause analysis is just as important as the product applications they may make." - James Kane
Quick Tips From Our IPM Service Team:
- Termites -
Check your gutters and downspouts. Ensure that water flows away from the home. Termites will follow water as it will soak and soften wood, making it more palatable. They will avoid areas which are well drained, and gravitate toward areas which hold moisture content.
- Fruit Flies -
Make sure you stay on top of sanitation. Onion scraps, rotting fruit, open containers, uncapped liquor bottles, organic buildup in sink and floor drains will all create breeding environments. As long as these conditions are present, their fast gestation period will lead to a major infestation.
- Rodents -
Clutter built up behind your shed is going to create a perfect nesting area for rodents. How about bird seed in that shed, leading to them moving in? Next thing you know, they are breeding, and begin investigating for additional resources when they stumble upon a warm air draft coming from a gap in your foundation.
- Mosquitoes -
Standing water nearby is always the culprit. Sometimes it's not on your property, but sometimes it is. Maybe its not so obvious to the layman. Are your gutters properly pitched or do they hold water? Do you have a corrugated drain pipe which your gutters drain into? The peaks and valleys in that black plastic pipe will hold hundreds of perfect water pockets, ripe for breeding. Or maybe there's simply a puddle that won't evaporate under your deck.
Sometimes, one time service call is all the client may need, as the home is well taken care of. Other times, it may be advised that there is a water leak/condition nearby, and it may be more fiscally responsible to put routine barrier protections in place until the water condition is rectified. Having a discussion with a client about the real concerns affecting their home or business will earn their trust, and also begin the road to long term success. It's a win-win. The client is going to get their resolve while not shelling out for unnecessary services, while the pest control group avoids call-backs, and bad reputation.
When on the search for a pest control provider, make sure to ask about their methodology. There are a number of ways in which pest management groups will assess and handle an issue. Make sure you find someone you trust, who moving you closer to a goal of control, and not just showing up to spray and pray, hoping their quick treatment sticks.
You can always trust our team at Kane Exterminating Corp. to ask the important questions, getting us to the root cause so you can sleep well, knowing pests don't want to hang out with you in the first place.
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